[Week3]Devlog 27 November - 6 December 2023

This week's progress includes:

  • Improved Loading Screen, Visual Novel, and Fight Mechanism. Although temporarily using GUI to select enemies, an optimal method is still being explored.
  • Enhanced the visual novel with additional narration, a "Next" button, and the option to restart or continue after winning. Victory/defeat sound integration has been added, although instance adjustments are still needed. Introduced a visual novel after completing level 1, adding a narrative dimension to the gaming experience.
  • Character movement animation and duration have been implemented. The next plans include UI skill animation and the implementation of character stats and skills.
  • Added a skill point feature: 5 for ultimate, 3 for skill, and no points for basic attack. Improvements to the start menu, dialogues, and enemy selection mechanism were also made for a better appearance.
  • Added attack and healing sound effects, as well as animations for Maya and Diana characters during attacks and hits.
  • Added 10 Background Music tracks and 5 Sound Effects.

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